Regular attendance and punctuality at school is essential for successful schooling. If your child is absent for any reason, you are requested to inform school no later than 8:55am each day of absence. Parents/carers can either call school on 01253 836280 and leave a message or contact school electronically. In any event, a written explanation is required and/or a Medical Advice Slip signed following any doctor's appointment on a child's return. If a child is absent due to sickness or a stomach upset, they can return to school 48hrs after their last episode of illness. As a school we have an achievable target of 96%. This is surpassed by many children at St Michael's.
School is a busy place in which each day counts, please try not to book holidays in term time. Leave of absence for anything other than sickness/medical requires the parent to complete a Leave of Absence Form. Parents wishing to apply for their child to be granted leave from school should first request a meeting with the Headteacher, to discuss and complete the necessary paperwork. It is a requirement that parents meet with the Headteacher before any holiday is booked, so they can be made aware of the potential implications for unauthorised leave. Parents do not have an automatic right to take their children out of school for holidays during term time, and may be issued with a Penalty Notice.
Please try to make all medical appointments outside school hours. If, in exceptional circumstances, your child has to attend an appointment, please provide the school office with sight of the appointment card. If your child’s appointment is during school time, please endeavour to bring your child to school to get their mark in the register and return them to school as soon as possible.